Increase Website Traffic | Best Ways

How to Increase Website Traffic: Best Ways

By Annie ZelmOct 2 /2018

Finding new ways to increase website traffic is critical for any business. In order for your business to grow, you need to continually bring new potential customers to your site. But developing strategies to accomplish this goal is not always easy.  How do we increase website traffic, exactly? What type of content will attract new website visitors? This article outlines the best ways to accomplish these goals and drive relevant traffic so you can continue to grow your business.

Why Website Traffic Matters

We all know website traffic isn’t the end goal, but it’s one of the most important vehicles to get you there. Just about every aspect of your digital marketing strategy starts with your website. When your website generates a steady flow of traffic, it’s like having a whole team of salespeople working for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Without website traffic, you can’t entice anyone to learn more about what you do and ultimately convince them to become a customer. You have nothing but a huge kink in your sales pipeline.

To generate traffic to your website, it is crucial to use various strategies such as SEO tools, contests and giveaways, blogger outreach, content marketing, media coverage, public relations, and guest posting.

Generating quality website traffic is a constant challenge. In fact, in HubSpot’s latest State of Inbound Marketing report, 61 percent of marketers listed it as their *topchallenge***.


How to Set Goals to Increase Website Traffic 

You already know increasing website traffic is a challenge, but how do you make it a priority?

The SMART goals framework is a good place to start. SMART goal-based marketing strategies are:

  • Specific - Is it clear who is responsible and what they need to do?
  • Measurable - Is it tied to a numerical value, such as a percent increase?
  • Agreed Upon - Does everyone on your team agree it’s worth pursuing?
  • Realistic - Do you have the resources needed to achieve it?
  • Timely - Is there a set timeline with key milestones?

Using Google Search Console to analyze search queries and measure organic click-through rates can help in setting realistic traffic goals.

For instance, a SMART marketing goal for your company might look something like this:

Our marketing team will increase website traffic by 30 percent over the next year using blogs, search engine optimization and Facebook advertising.

It’s clear who is responsible, how you’ll measure success and what the time frame will be. But how do you know a 30 percent increase is realistic? After all, no one wants to set themselves up to fail. Here are a few ways to keep your expectations in check:

  1. Look at your website traffic analytics for at least one full year. If your website is hosted on a content management system like HubSpot, it should be easy to spot trends in your website traffic. There may be some ebbs and flows if you have a seasonal aspect to your business, but a year’s worth of data will give you a baseline. It’s even better if you have several years’ worth of data so you can see year-over-year growth trends. If your traffic has been increasing about 10 percent from one year to the next, you know a 30 percent increase will be a challenge, but not impossible.

  2. Consider your resources. If your website traffic has been increasing by 10 percent with blogging alone but you’re now going to start investing in pay-per-click (PPC) ads, you can expect an increase that correlates with the additional spend. If you’re a B2B company, you can expect about a 2.5 percent click-through rate for your ads. The cost of PPC ads is based on the keywords you’re bidding on, who else is bidding on them and how relevant your ads are (known as your quality score). A marketing agency with expertise in demand generation will be able to recommend a budget and set realistic expectations for website traffic based on that budget.

  3. Consider your industry. If you’re a niche metal manufacturer, you’re probably thrilled if your website gets 3,000 visitors a month. However, if you’re a national retailer, that number is a sure sign of trouble. Consider what’s realistic given the demand in your industry and your competition. Tools like Alexa and SEMrush will even show you website traffic estimates for your competitors.

Goal-Based Marketing Strategies to Increase Website Traffic

Once you’ve set your goals, there are several marketing strategies that will help you increase website traffic. Keyword research is crucial in identifying content gaps and targeting long-tail keywords to improve SEO. Here are three that will likely have the greatest impact:

How to Increase Website Traffic Using Search Engines

1. Implement a Strong SEO Strategy

You don’t just want to increase website traffic; you want to increase website traffic from potential customers who are searching for a solution you can offer. The best indication of that is your organic traffic—traffic driven by search.

A well-crafted meta description plays a crucial role in optimizing search engine results pages (SERP) and improving click-through rates.

Considering 70-80 percent of searchers only focus on organic results,according to MarTech, organic traffic is the best opportunity you have to grow your website traffic. A strong SEO strategy starts by understanding what your buyers are most likely to search for. You probably already have a good idea of what that is, but the data might surprise you. For instance, let’s say you sell accounting software. Plenty of people search for that—more than 12,000 a month, according to SEMrush—so naturally, you want to rank on the first page of Google for that term.

Here’s the problem: So do hundreds of other companies.

It’s a highly competitive search term, so how in the world are you going to stand out? You need to develop an SEO strategy around your differentiators and cast a wider net. Is your accounting software primarily for small businesses, or large enterprises? Is it cloud-based? Is it compliant with the new FASB lease accounting requirements?

Once you’ve identified more specific keywords that have a high volume but relatively low competition, you can optimize your webpages for them and build a content marketing strategy around them. You can share your content across your social networks and take advantage of guest blogging opportunities. You can use it in your email marketing and so much more.

We believe in practicing what we preach, so the Kuno team overhauled our own SEO strategy in the past year. We started by creating pillar pages—a strategy HubSpot recommends to organize main topics for which you want to be found in search. We used these pages to shape our approach to writing new blog posts and updating older ones. And it worked!

After a year, here’s what we experienced:

  • 152 percent increase in organic traffic
  • 61 percent increase in keywords ranked in the top 100
  • $126,000 increase in the value of our organic traffic (measured by the advertising equivalency of paying for those keywords)


The approach has been so successful for us that we’re now confidently recommending it to our clients.

2. Use Paid Advertising to Drive Traffic

If your website is a car, a good SEO strategy is the engine.

Your website pages, landing pages and blog posts are the fuel—you have to keep feeding the machine with great content, or it won’t drive anyone to visit your site. With an engine and fuel, your car will get you from Point A to Point B, but it will only go so fast. It has its limits. What’s the difference between an A-to-B car and a high-performance sports car? Horsepower.

Investing in paid advertising is like upgrading to a 600-HP engine and adding a turbocharger. It will amplify all your efforts and generate web traffic much faster than organic traffic alone, especially for people who are ready to buy. Paid advertising can help drive more traffic to the website quickly. In fact, PPC traffic converts 50 percent higher than organic traffic, and companies make an average of $2 in revenue for every dollar they spend on AdWords, according to Clever Clicks.

Paid advertising isn’t only about PPC ads, of course. As Facebook organic reach continues to plummet and other social media shifts to a model that’s increasingly “pay to play,” it’s even more important to put money behind your social media strategy.

Native advertising, or paying for your content to appear on other high-traffic websites like CNN, is another great way to improve website traffic. Consider what happened when we tried native advertising for one of our niche manufacturing clients.

We spent $2,000 per month to promote blog posts through a native advertising platform over a four-month period. The results speak for themselves:

  • 1086 percent increase in blog traffic
  • 71 percent increase in blog subscribers
  • 119 percent increase in website traffic
  • More than 6,000 views between two blog posts
  • 35 CTA clicks

The company had been blogging for five years, but no single blog post had ever received more than 1,000 views. By promoting just a few posts with native advertising, traffic to the company’s blog exploded. But it wasn’t just about the traffic. The data showed about 6 percent of people who visited the blog went on to explore other areas of the company’s website. This is significant considering the average conversion rate of online shoppers across all industries is less than 3 percent.


3. Use Video Marketing to Generate Traffic

Video has become the preferred medium for many buyers looking for solutions. Almost half of us watch an hour or more of videos on Facebook and YouTube each week. It not only gets our attention; it actually gets us to buy.

In a survey by Animoto, 64 percent of consumers said watching a marketing video on Facebook influenced a purchasing decision for them in the past month.

Video marketing can also have a dramatic impact on your search engine ranking. Online video maker Moovly found websites with embedded videos are 53 times more likely to show up on Page 1 of Google search results. This has a compounding effect, ensuring you consistently drive traffic to your website for key search terms month over month, year after year.

Using video content is crucial for driving more website traffic, as it attracts and engages visitors effectively.

Video marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. Something as simple as a 5-second video can have a huge impact. By creating a short, simple video to promote preschool enrollment for one of our clients, we saw a big difference:

  • Almost three times as many impressions compared to the static ad
  • A 75 percent increase in submissions
  • A nearly 400 percent increase in shares

Regardless of the industry, it’s clear videos are more widely shared and clicked on compared to static content. If you’re not using video marketing, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to increase website traffic, brand awareness and sales.

Incorporating Goal-Based Marketing Strategies Into Your Budget

You’ve seen the impact these marketing strategies can have on your increasing website traffic, and you’re already starting to think about how you can apply them. Now it’s time to build them into your budget.

You probably already have a budget for a lot of these activities, so you may just need to reallocate some of your spending. For instance, maybe you already have an in-house writer who handles your company’s blog and social media. She has a basic understanding of SEO, but she’s not looking at search data to shape the editorial calendar. You saw a spike in organic traffic a few years ago when you launched the blog, but now it seems to have reached a plateau. To make up for the slow growth there, you’ve been investing a lot more in Google Ads. The ads help with visibility, but they’re not getting the conversions you want. You also want to create some professional looking videos, but the extent of your staff’s experience is using their iPhones to capture their dogs’ new tricks. Acquiring backlinks from relevant websites can drive referral traffic and help boost your visibility.

You could hire an SEO expert, an advertising manager and an in-house videographer and hope you generate enough revenue to make up for their salaries. Or you could work with a marketing agency that has expertise in all three areas. An agency can quickly evaluate what’s working and what isn’t so you can shift gears more easily—for instance, redirecting some of your PPC spending to improve SEO and organic traffic. Attracting relevant traffic through targeted content and SEO strategies is crucial for achieving better results.

They can also recommend goal-based marketing strategies that have worked for other companies similar to yours. If you take the time to define your goals and develop a plan to meet them, you won’t have to dread your next budget meeting. High-quality backlinks from relevant websites can improve your search engine rankings and drive more traffic.

Now that you have some ideas for how to increase website traffic, check out our upcoming blog posts where we’ll cover two other goal-based marketing strategies: how to improve conversions, and how to boost sales. Optimizing your content for search engines is essential to increase your website's visibility.

Using social media platforms to engage with your target audience can also drive significant traffic to your site. Creating content tailored to your target audience is key to attracting organic traffic and establishing your website's authority.

The Author

Annie Zelm

Annie is the driving force behind content strategy for clients. She uncovers insights about what motivates buyers and uses that knowledge to shape client websites and editorial calendars. Annie brings several years of PR experience gained from working at the amusement park, Cedar Point.