Marketing Services

Drive Business Growth With Powerful Product Marketing Strategies

The road to product growth and success isn’t paved with features and specifications alone. It’s about crafting a powerful narrative behind the product, fostering customer connections and enabling collaboration across sales, marketing and product teams.

At Kuno Creative, we’re more than product marketers — we’re growth catalysts. With our product marketing services, you’ll have access to extensive industry knowledge and experience that lends itself to meaningful results. Our services include digital marketing, digital strategy, search engine optimization, pay per click advertising, and other digital marketing-related activities. Whether your product focus is in SaaS, medical or consumer-facing, you’ve come to the right product marketing agency. We have a proven track record in delivering results and driving success for our clients. Our expertise ensures that your marketing strategies resonate with your target audience, helping you reach your full potential in the marketplace.

Product-Led Growth Backed By Data-Driven Strategies

While we deliver product marketing services, it’s really comprehensive solutions that we offer, including go to market strategies and search engine marketing.

That means taking the time to understand your needs and using those insights to develop a data-driven roadmap that supports product-led growth. These efforts include:

End-to-end customer insights
Developing targeted marketing campaigns, with precise ROI tracking. This also encompasses online advertising to reach a broader audience.
customer research
Conducting interviews to ensure marketing efforts resonate with your ideal customer
Marketing-sales & service
Bridging gaps between departments to drive alignment and maximize impact
Improve sales team efficiency, response rate and close rates

What Goes Into an Effective Product Marketing Strategy?

Shaping Your Product Story

With all the competition that's out there — from SaaS platforms to medical equipment — your product story needs to be able to cut through the noise. We'll help you develop a clear, compelling narrative that drives action. Part of that process includes thoroughly evaluating your competitors so we can identify strengths you can leverage as part of your value proposition.

Strategizing Your Go-To-Market Plan

When launching a new product, the goal is to generate excitement and drive user adoption through a well-crafted go-to-market strategy. We combine buyer insights with creativity to develop engaging marketing materials that capture the attention of and educate potential customers. A key component of this go-to-market plan is the product launch, where we offer expertise and support in planning and executing successful launches. Leveraging these assets, we execute strategic campaigns across channels where your audience spends their time.

Aligning Product Marketing With Sales

Successful B2B and B2C product launches don't happen in silos. While sales teams should be involved in product marketing conversations from the start, it's also important to arm your sales teams with the information and resources they need to engage potential customers. We support collaboration every step of the way to help unlock more ROI for your entire organization.

Leveraging Data To Support Agile Product Iteration

As new trends emerge and user needs change, there can be a case made for rolling out new versions of a product. We use a variety of sources, from in-app surveys to social media channels, to prioritize improvements based on impact and feasibility. We also regularly benchmark against competitors and work closely with your product team to continue driving value.

Supporting High Product Engagement Metrics

While advancements to products drives engagement, it’s also about providing users with resources that empower them to be self-sufficient. We help create these materials, while also fostering a sense of community around your product through forums, social media, influencer marketing, and other platforms.

Loyalty programs and incentives further help to support long-term customer relationships and advocacy for products. Additionally, social media marketing plays a crucial role in supporting these relationships by improving online presence and delivering effective content across various platforms.

Measuring the Impact of Your Product Marketing

It has been said many times before that you can't manage what you can't measure. As part of product marketing services, we help implement advanced attribution models to accurately measure the ROI of your marketing efforts on user acquisition and retention. We share this ROI through transparent and detailed reports and, from these insights, come up with actionable recommendations to unlock more growth.

Proven Value of Product Marketing Services

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Tailored Product Marketing Services for MedTech Provider

When it was time for to bring their stroke technology platform to the market, they had little marketing collateral and a minimal web presence. There was a clear need to educate the market on their products and position themselves as a brand leader in the medical technology space.

Kuno, one of the leading product marketing companies, collaborated with the team to refresh their brand identity and create a website experience that told a meaningful story about their products while driving digital awareness. Six months after the new website’s launch, the number of new organic contacts increased by 1,373%.

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Strategic, Multi-Layered Product Marketing for CMMS Provider

Elevate Your Strategy With Kuno’s Product Marketing Services