Improve your marketing campaigns and branding (follow up)

Improve your marketing campaigns and branding (follow up)

By Chris KnipperOct 17 /2009

In a previous post on the subject of improving your marketing campaigns and branding, graphic examples were requested.  We try to respond to all requests, so here is a follow up to the original post that includes a few references and examples that have inspired our creative team...

Examples of some great campaigns and branding:

  • Here are the best ads from the MetaCafe from June 2009
One of my recent favorites is the TV commercial for the new iPod Nano, which features a built-in video camera.

Apple iPod nano ad

From Apple's website, the color palette and simplicity of the web banner ad shown above is a good example of a modern approach, and complements the TV Commercial.  And, even though the dancing, music and colors in the TV commercial may seem targeted toward a younger demographic, they are consistent with the product's core brand that resonates with fast, fun, and easy.

If you are looking for Print Ads, check out:

These examples of effective branding from other industries might be exactly what’s missing in your own. 

Print Ad 401k rolloverIt's OK to reevaluate your message and mix in promotions that are fun and entertaining.  Here is a financial ad that most audiences would define as conservative and right to the point.  It is important to stay consistent with the brand's defined colors, messages, and core brand proposition. 

But how can you differentiate your campaign?  In the next example, the same client is inspired to promote something fun for their members.  With their core brand characteristics being built around providing quality financial services to working families in the local area, they chose to promote a new local baseball team - the Lake Erie Crushers, with a ticket give-away campaign.  Print Ad for free baseball tickets

They randomly placed coupons for free game tickets in all of their ATMs.  Photos of the winners were then added and shared with Fans on the credit union Facebook Fan Page. Photos don't have to be perfect or edited to add to Facebook Fan Pages - just sincere.  It makes your campaign "real" and gains trust from your customers.You can be transparent and remain consistent with your brand, while also adding some fun and interactivity between your brand and your customers.FaceBook page example

Improving Your Branding with Social Media

While the latest media or technological trend is tempting to attack on your own, experienced branding experts should help guide you and offer suggestions that are consistent with your overall marketing strategy.

Graphic design, social media, outbound marketing and inbound marketing should all reinforce your core message - not distract from it.

I hope you found these examples to be interesting and inspirational!

The Author

Chris Knipper

Chris founded Kuno in 2000 as a traditional marketing and branding agency and has since grown it into a leading global digital marketing agency that’s helped hundreds of companies accelerate their growth. With a background in sales, marketing and technology, Chris is on the frontline of creativity, pushing the limits of what our clients can achieve.