Top 10 B2B Websites | Design & Content Excellence

10 Best B2B Websites

By Clare HennigAug 30 /2022

You’ve created a product or service that deserves showing off – one that’s innovative, solves challenges in your industry and provides great value to your customers.

But does your website design reflect how you feel about that accomplishment? It should.

We all know the benefits of first impressions and how important effective marketing is to communicate who you are, what you offer and your value proposition. And that’s true not just for consumers, but also for business-to-business (B2B).

B2B shouldn’t mean boring and stodgy. We did a little digging and found the 10 best B2B web designs of 2022 that inspire, inform and convert.

Some of these examples are award-winning B2B websites, others fly under the radar. But all of them adhere to the most important website design trends of the year, incorporating unique design elements and enhancing visual appeal.

10 Best B2B Website Designs of 2022

1. Ochi Design

Presentation design agency Ochi Design, with offices in Vancouver, Canada and Lviv, Ukraine, has worked with some big names: Toyota, Nestle, Lexus, to name a few.

They promise to make “eye-opening presentations,” a skill that’s clearly carried over to their website with its strong typography, clean lines, and user-friendly design. The content is to the point and clear, getting their message across in just a few words.

Ochi Design received a CSS Design Award in July 2022.

2. Forcepoint 

Cyber-security company Forcepoint takes an elegant approach to their website design, incorporating modern design elements with a subtle gradient to evoke feelings of calm and simplicity.

A short scroll through the homepage takes the user on a journey through pain point to solution to action, humanizing the cybersecurity experience. Forcepoint is the 2021 recipient of the Best B2B Website award from WebAwards.

3. Amerline 

Amerline is a market leader in the circular connector industry and, in the interest of full disclosure, one of the most recent websites we’ve designed and developed here at Kuno Creative.

The B2B website blends aesthetics with functionality. Bold images illustrate the different products and services while a custom competitor part number search feature and intuitive navigation makes it easy to find what you’re looking for. Additionally, the website is designed to effectively generate leads by attracting potential customers and capturing their interest in Amerline's offerings.

4. HireLevel

HireLevel is a staffing company that helps partner employers with prospective employees and vice versa.

The website design takes a personable approach and immediately segments their audience into two personas: job seekers and employers. This makes it easier to navigate the site depending on what you’re looking for, and ensures that the design and content are tailored to engage the specific needs of each target audience.

HireLevel’s blog and other resources provide helpful tips for job seekers on what employers are looking for and ways employers can keep employee buy-in.

5. Terminal Ready-Mix

Terminal Ready-Mix are experts in concrete construction and ready mix concrete. The company controls the product from the mix, delivery, placement and finishing. It might seem difficult to make a concrete company compelling, but with a minimalist design featuring a sharply contrasted color palette, the website really pops.

The clear copy positions the company as experts in their field. This is complemented by easy-to-read and research product and service lines laid out as “cards” which guide the reader logically through each stage of the concrete process.

6. Big Bolt

Speciality fastener manufacturer Big Bolt, another Kuno Creative client, is the perfect example of bold typography that makes a strong statement and clever copy.

Industry studs. Equipped for bolt speed. Quality that’s nuts. You know exactly what you’re getting with Big Bolt, with absolutely no industry stodginess or yawn-inducing descriptions. Additionally, the website's interactive tools and design elements aid in lead generation by capturing valuable data and contact information from visitors.

7. Basecamp

Project management software company Basecamp has been receiving a lot of attention recently for their compelling messaging and visual marketing.

Both these elements are prominently displayed on their website, along with a clear CTA and immediate trust symbols. You can see what exactly Basecamp offers, the value they provide businesses and what sets them apart from the competition with just a glance.

8. Human Interaction to Generate Leads

Human Interaction focuses on making interactions between humans and computers a joy, whether that’s through websites, mobile apps, content management systems or API’s.

That sense of joy is embedded throughout the company’s website with playful animation, vibrant colors and creative copy. They won a Red Dot Corporate Website award recognizing their “fun and engaging user experience.” Customer testimonials also highlight the positive feedback and trust built through their exceptional services.

9. Sysdoc

Sysdoc helps lead companies through digital transformations, keeping them up-to-date with current technologies and competitive in the marketplace.

The website has a clean, modern feel with simple, short animations. Sysdoc shares its trust symbols, in the form of current clients, halfway down the homepage, which helps add to its credibility. Additionally, Sysdoc emphasizes the importance of optimizing social media channels to enhance their digital presence.

Their navigation panel moves with you as you scroll, and their CTAs are well-designed and prominent.


Cannabis branding agency HIGHOPES, based in California and Washington, uses bold fonts and vibrant images to get their message across.

The website uses long scrolling, which means the site builds as you scroll and translates well to mobile devices. Moving down through the homepage brings up examples of their work, trust symbols, services, press mentions and plenty of CTAs. Additionally, a well-designed pricing page is crucial for converting visitors into paying customers by ensuring readability, simplicity, and mobile design.

HIGHOPES received an honorable mention from Awwwards for design, creativity and innovation in July 2022.

Design Your Best User Friendly B2B Website

Your B2B website should speak volumes about your company in a way that isn’t too flashy, but also isn’t boring. A user-friendly design is crucial, emphasizing ease of navigation, clear calls to action, and an intuitive user experience. Build a website that speaks to who you are and what you can do for your clients, and you’ll be sure to see results. Additionally, innovative design elements should facilitate the sales process by guiding visitors to engage with the content.

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Clare Hennig
The Author

Clare Hennig

Clare is a strategic writer and content creator, specializing in digital storytelling. She brings together years of experience in the newsroom with a mission-driven attitude from non-profit marketing. Clare has lived, worked, and studied in 11 countries, and now calls sunny California home.