'...You Best Not Miss' Getting Results Via Aligned Content and Video

'...You Best Not Miss': How Video Marketing Transforms Content Strategy

By Clare HennigJul 11 /2024

Great content needs to be found to be effective, and that usually means winning the Google game to rank on page one. But do you know what the second-largest search engine is? Google’s little brother, YouTube. Content marketing videos are powerful and should be an integral part of your overall digital marketing strategy.

For one, there’s the SEO value of video. Consumers are increasingly turning to video to consume information, make purchasing decisions and engage with brands. Optimize the video title and description properly and not only will your content rank high on YouTube, it’s also likely to show up on the first page of a Google search as well. We see this all the time with our clients at Kuno Creative.

Then there’s the performance and engagement aspect. The impact of video on content performance and, ultimately, purchasing decisions is profound. Video ads on social media get six times more engagement than image ads on average, a study by Confect.io found. Blog posts incorporating video attract three times as many inbound links, according to Wyzowl’s research. On top of that, Wyzowl’s 2024 State of Video Marketing report found that eighty-two percent of people say they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a video.

There is a vast amount of research demonstrating and underscoring video marketing’s power. Here’s what you need to know about integrating video into your content strategy to stay competitive.

The Rise of Video in Content Marketing

The increasing prevalence and significance of video content in marketing have revolutionized how brands connect with their audiences.

According to HubSpot’s 2024 State of Marketing report, short-form video is the number one content format offering the highest return on investment. And marketers everywhere are paying attention: 30 percent of marketers who don’t currently use short-form video plan to start using it this year.

In large part, the rise of video marketing is driven by shifts in consumer behavior. The combination of increased mobile usage and the dominance of video-centric social media platforms, along with consumers' preference for authentic brand interactions, has created a perfect storm for video content to thrive.

Understanding Content Marketing Video As a Concept

Content marketing video differs from traditional marketing video in both intent and execution.

While traditional marketing videos, like TV ads, focus primarily on promoting a product or service, content marketing videos provide value beyond just promotion. It's about creating content for a different purpose: to educate, entertain or inspire the audience. Distributing valuable information and insights creates a deeper connection between customers and the brand, engendering trust.

It’s part of a larger, inbound-minded content strategy that helps guide the audience through every stage of their buying journey.

You Come at the King…

…You best not miss. Even in the age of media, with apologies to Omar Little, content strategy is king.

Conventional content assets like blogs, e-books, emails, ad copy and other written formats have long been the foundation of marketing for good reason. They are essential for providing in-depth information, establishing authority and improving SEO. And they’re not going anywhere anytime soon – written content remains at the core of digital marketing.

When video content is combined with these more traditional content assets, though, it can enhance the effectiveness. Embedding videos in blog posts can break up text, for instance, which makes the content more engaging and easier to digest. Videos can illustrate complex concepts more clearly than text alone, offering a more interactive and immersive experience.

But if you’re challenging content with video, it needs to be executed well. Simply adding video to your content strategy isn’t enough – success requires a balanced, thoughtful approach that amplifies the impact of your combined efforts. Throwing a video up on YouTube or posting it on social media ad hoc won’t garner results. Enter video marketing strategy.

Crafting Your Video Content Marketing Strategy

Setting clear goals and objectives is the cornerstone of any successful video marketing video content strategy – or any other strategy, really. Your goals should align with broader organizational objectives, as well as your overall content strategy, and be measurable to track progress effectively.

And, as with any content, understanding your target audience is crucial for creating videos that resonate. Tailor your video content to meet the pain points, interests and needs of your target audience.

Video Marketing Strategy Best Practices

There are as many different ways to create great videos as there are creative ideas. But there are some best practices that are table stakes for success.

  1. Define your goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your video content. This could include increasing brand awareness, generating leads, driving sales or educating your audience.
  2. Establish key metrics: Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) such as view counts, engagement rates, click-through rates and conversion rates to measure success.
  3. Conduct buyer persona research: Use buyer personas and audience interviews to gain insights into what viewers are interested in and care about. Content Marketing Institute says that the most frequently cited content creation challenge is developing the right content for the audience; it's critical to get this piece right.
  4. Lean into storytelling and strong brand narrative: Craft a story that aligns with your brand values and resonates with your audience. Featuring real people or relatable characters is a great way to build trust and connection.
  5. Choose the right video format: Different formats serve different purposes. Animated videos and social videos are ideal for top-of-the-funnel engagement, while an explainer video can boost engagement. Product videos and testimonials are effective for viewers closer to the purchasing stage.
  6. Maintain consistency and alignment: Use consistent colors, fonts and visual styles to reinforce your brand identity, while also ensuring the messaging stays on brand.

The Technical Side: Creating Compelling Video Content

Producing high-quality video content involves mastering several technical aspects, from shooting and editing to choosing the right tools and software. Some of this can be done ad hoc in-house, but working with a video production agency can help make sure the final product is polished and professional.

If you are shooting footage yourself, follow these video fundamentals:

  1. Invest in quality equipment: Use high-resolution cameras, good lighting and clear audio equipment to capture high-quality footage. While smartphones can work for simple videos, professional equipment lends itself to better results.
  2. Plan your shots: Create a storyboard and shot list before filming to make sure you capture all the necessary footage and maintain a clear narrative flow.
  3. Lighting matters: Proper lighting is crucial for creating visually appealing videos. Use natural light or invest in lighting kits to avoid shadows and highlight your subject.
  4. Sound quality: Poor audio can ruin an otherwise great video. Use external microphones to capture clear and crisp sound.
  5. Edit thoughtfully: Don’t be shy about cutting unnecessary parts, oftentimes less is more. Add transitions, music, text and other effects.

In almost all cases though, it’s a better use of time and resources to outsource video production to an experienced agency like Kuno Creative. No need to invest in the equipment, software and skilled team when you access that professional expertise with a partner.

Video SEO: Making Your Content Discoverable

Video content marketing can provide some incredible SEO juice. There are two parts to this: optimizing your videos for search engines and taking advantage of the videos that rank to bolster your website.

  • MP4 file name: When you export the video, make sure to rename the MP4 file with the target keyword before uploading it to your YouTube channel. Include the title, description and tags under the properties setting.
  • Thumbnail: Create custom, eye-catching thumbnails that accurately represent your video content. Drop your keyword in the thumbnail file name.
  • Titles: Use clear, concise titles that include your primary keywords when you upload your YouTube content.
  • Descriptions: Write detailed descriptions that provide context and include relevant keywords naturally. Include links back to your website and related resources like blog posts. Add related hashtags – between three to seven is the sweet spot.

Share the video via social media – in many cases, you may need to cut it into a shorter, snappier version to perform well on social platforms. It’s also incredibly valuable to embed the video on a related blog post and other pages on your website. Not only does this drive views, but embedding videos can improve your site SEO by increasing time on page and providing additional content for search engines to index.

Measuring the Impact of Video in Content Marketing

Video Analytics and ROI

Track and analyze the effectiveness of your video content to justify the investment.

Metrics to keep track of include:

  • View count: The number of times a video has been viewed is a basic but important metric, indicating its reach.
  • Engagement rate: Measure likes, shares, comments and other interactions to gauge how well your video resonates with your audience.
  • Watch time: The total amount of time viewers have spent watching your video. This can help you understand which parts of your video are most engaging.
  • Audience retention: This shows how long viewers watch your video before dropping off, helping you identify which parts of your video are most compelling or where viewers lose interest.
  • Click-through rate: The percentage of viewers who click on a call-to-action link in your video, which demonstrates how effectively your video drives action.

Platforms like Google Analytics and YouTube Analytics can provide these detailed insights. Dig into watch time, drop-off points and click-through rates to further refine your strategy.

A CRM platform like HubSpot can also integrate video metrics into your overall marketing analytics to provide a holistic view of content marketing performance.

Future Trends in Video Content Marketing

Video content marketing – like all digital marketing – evolves rapidly. What works one month may not resonate the following. But a healthy foundation of best practices, deep understanding of your audience and strong brand storytelling provide the stability needed to navigate these changes.

Some of the top trends right now that offer exciting opportunities to engage with audiences in new ways include:

  • Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR): Brands are using VR to create virtual tours, product demonstrations and immersive storytelling, while AR can enhance real-world experiences with digital overlays.
  • Interactive videos: Interactive videos let viewers engage with the content in real-time, making choices that influence the narrative or access additional information – for example with clickable elements, hotspots and overlays.
  • Live streaming: Live streaming continues to grow in popularity, offering real-time interaction and engagement with audiences. This type of video content is particularly effective for product launches, Q&A sessions and behind-the-scenes looks.

Staying up-to-date on trends and being proactive is important, but even the latest-and-greatest marketing strategies can’t replace the fundamentals of understanding your audience and delivering genuine value. Regardless of the technologies and techniques you employ, a deep connection with your audience and a commitment to providing relevant, high-quality and consistent content, will always be at the core of successful video marketing.

Integrating Video for Dynamic Content Marketing Strategy

Video content marketing has the power to boost engagement, build trust and generate leads -- truly transforming your brand’s success.

Partnering with Kuno Creative means more than just adopting the latest video marketing trends (although we do that, too!). At Kuno Creative, we know firsthand the power of brand storytelling in shaping high-quality, strategic video content.

With nearly 25 years of experience, we are your dedicated team offering deep industry expertise and a full suite of digital marketing services. From innovative strategies and engaging content to dynamic video production and comprehensive demand generation, your success is ours.

Connect with us to learn more about all that our team at Kuno Creative can do for you.

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Clare Hennig
The Author

Clare Hennig

Clare is a strategic writer and content creator, specializing in digital storytelling. She brings together years of experience in the newsroom with a mission-driven attitude from non-profit marketing. Clare has lived, worked, and studied in 11 countries, and now calls sunny California home.