Video Marketing Statistics | 15 of the Best Video Marketing Stats

15 Video Marketing Statistics You Need to Know

By Dave GrendzynskiJun 13 /2019

Video marketing statistics are constantly changing. The one consistent trend you’ll see is how important video is to any marketing strategy. People have a strong preference for video.

In fact, HubSpot researchers found that more than half of consumers want to see video content from a brand or business they support. And researchers at Cisco believe by 2021, 82 percent of consumer internet traffic will be video.

As a marketer, you can use video to offer valuable content customized for your audience. It should attract, engage and convert your visitors – basically it should help carry them down the marketing funnel. So let’s look at some eye-popping video marketing statistics that will inspire you to double-down on video creation ASAP.

Video Marketing Statistics for Social Media

Creating an eye-catching social media video can be a great way to attract a new audience to your business. As well as being interesting, they offer the opportunity to engage viewers via the comments, adding a personal touch to your content. Here’s a quick look at the power of social media and video marketing together.

100 Million Hours of Video are Watched on Facebook Every Day

Not only are people watching videos in their feeds, but Facebook and Instagram stories are also gaining in popularity. We’re now creating industry-specific vertical videos as part of the social strategy for some of our clients.

Social Videos Generate 1,200% More Shares Than Text and Images Combined

On Twitter, a video tweet is 6 times more likely to be retweeted than a photo tweet. A video conveys more emotion than words or images alone.

Live Video Gets Three Times The Looks on Social

Facebook reports that its users spend around three times more time watching live video than viewing static content. Live videos can include:

  • Tutorials
  • Question and answer sessions
  • Event coverage
  • Behind the scenes peaks

Live video works well in the “microwave society” we’re living in, but posting your video on various social media channels and implementing a strategy using paid advertising gets your product or service in front of your target audience. Social media videos also provide an opportunity for you to find new audiences because people share videos all the time.

What Types of Videos Do People Watch?

People are watching many different types of videos. From explainer videos to video ads, if it’s the type of content that engages your audience, it can prove to be valuable to any marketing strategy. But some can be more valuable than others. They include:

Product Videos

Nearly 75 percent of shoppers say video gives them ideas for purchases, and more than 90 percent say they’re discovering products and brands on YouTube.

Demo Videos

Online shoppers who view demo videos are nearly two times more likely to purchase than non-viewers.

Video Interviews With Experts

These videos help establish your credibility and authority in your industry. Using your experts to create videos that are educational and informative are most useful to your customer, whether B2C or B2B. It also establishes trust. In a recent survey, more than 69 percent of people said a video helped convince them to buy.


To establish trust, this video features a physician who explains his approach and what makes his medical group stand out.


How Video Marketing Affects Conversion Rates

Trust is part of the reason a video landing page translates to high conversion rates. A video on a landing page gives you the chance to catch your audience’s attention, get your message to them clearly and concisely, and reassure them you’re offering quality products or services. The effect it can have is astounding:

Videos In Emails Improve Click-Through Rates

A video in an email can increase your click-through rate by 200 to 300 percent. A lot of companies are successfully adopting video email messages, like this one from a human resources company.

Videos Increase Conversions

Including a video on a landing page can increase conversions by as much as 80 percent. It may be because videos increase the length of time people stay on your page, giving your brand message longer to sink in.

Videos incorporate four elements that human beings are wired to pay attention to faces, voices, body language, and movement.


This video features relatable people who benefited from the service provided. 


A video on your homepage can increase conversion rates by 20 percent.

Putting a video on your homepage is a great opportunity to explain who you are and what you do, right out of the gate.


This homepage video clearly explains the services this company provides to older adults.


Where People Are Watching Video

Video will account for 78 percent of mobile data traffic in 2019.

This year is likely to see mobile video accounting for around 78 percent of data traffic. That means videos need to be optimized for mobile devices.

Ninety-two percent of mobile video viewers share videos with others.

And keep this in mind: It is not YouTube OR Facebook for posting your business video – most brands are using both. But...

Over 500 million people a day are watching video on Facebook.

According to Cisco, a million minutes of video content will cross the network every second by 2021.

Demand For Video Content Continues to Increase

Video marketing is now a critical part of maintaining your relevancy to your customers. And keeping an eye on the latest video marketing statistics can help reiterate just how important video can be to your business. But optimizing across a range of platforms is an ongoing challenge. To produce a successful video, you need a strong team to not only help create it but also to optimize and target your audience.

If you don’t have the time or expertise, you may benefit by outsourcing your video production to a digital marketing agency, who is already familiar with your goals, products, services and target audience. If you’d like to learn more about using video, or making it a part of your inbound marketing strategy, visit our Video Marketing Services page.

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The Author

Dave Grendzynski

Dave uses the skills that won him three Emmy Awards as a television news producer to create compelling content for our clients. Dave honed his email, blog and social media writing skills in the Corporate Communications Department at Cleveland Clinic.