Trust the Experts: Go With a B2B Content Marketing Agency

Trust the Experts: Go With a B2B Content Marketing Agency

By Brent SirvioJun 18 /2024

Great marketing relies almost entirely on clear, compelling messaging and a strategic approach to finding target audiences and speaking to them where they are both locationally and situationally. B2B marketing, despite its reputation for being stodgy, even aloof, is no different. Brands and companies in this space have discovered that incorporating a B2C tone and inbound marketing philosophy to their marketing – specifically, B2B content marketing – moves the needle more than conventional approaches ever have.

Technology and applied curiosity are driving faster, more powerful innovations and solutions just about everywhere: SaaS, healthcare, IoT, manufacturing, education, logistics, business development… You don’t need a marketer to tell you how much has shifted in such a short time, from the supermarket to the stock market. 

Yet, what we’re finding is that even in this breakneck pace, consistent, steady, thoughtful content marketing performs best, both in terms of quick wins and sustainable, long-term business growth. And how does marketing with the long game in mind win? By utilizing an integrated marketing agency that functions as well as your own in-house team. 

Here at Kuno Creative, this is where we’ve found content marketing success with our client-partners for years. As editor for our content team, I’d like to speak to how our brand journalists contribute toward effective sales and marketing strategy and increased brand visibility for our clients.

The B2B Content Marketing Agency’s Role

A content marketing agency worth your time and investment, particularly one serving the B2B sector, isn’t just a gang of hired guns churning out one blog post after another and social content. We’re taking the time to understand you and your brand, your target audience and ideal clients. 

We’ll craft a content marketing strategy that’s sustainable for your company, value-rich for your contacts and attractive to search crawlers. And then we’ll execute, crafting work that reflects your brand and voice and that stands out as signal in the noise.

Why Trust the Experts: Benefits of Working With B2B Content Marketing Agency

Why partner with an agency when freelancers are abundant and generative AI can whip up content at a prolific pace? For one, the investment in an agency is often better than piecemealing any combination of freelancers and LLMs. With freelancers, you often get what you pay for: quality contracted content writers will almost certainly cost a solid portion of what a retainer with a content marketing agency does. Generative AI may seem like a revolutionary breakthrough, but it’s largely Mad Libs at best and word salad at worst, not to mention concerns about content accuracy or unintended plagiarism.

Specialized expertise, industry knowledge and a broader perspective

Most B2B content marketing agencies specialize. We partner with mid-sized companies on the rise to major players on the Fortune 500; those looking to scale and those who have scaled and need a hand keeping up with demand.

At Kuno, our team of brand journalists have worked with clients in SaaS, FinTech, healthcare, manufacturing, professional services and beyond, with professional experience in fields like reporting, finance, education and the humanities. The advantage we bring is more than content marketing savvy for your next newsletter or a new website; the broad-based experience our team alone brings to the table provides insight into content strategy and relationship building that, frankly, many marketing agencies lack.

We take this ‘brand journalist’ designation seriously: our team digs in to get to the heart of our clients’ brands, products, services and respective ethos so that our content marketing efforts best reflect you and put your brand in the best position to be seen.

Access to a diverse skill set and resources

It takes a village to raise brand awareness. An experienced content marketing team has experience and access to resources that provide you with an advantage over your competitors. Our broad-based perspectives help shape your brand and voice, informing strategy and giving your content depth only a diverse team can provide. 

Strategic guidance and tailored solutions

When you sign on with a B2B content marketing agency, you’re also getting insights on marketing strategy, search engine optimization, content creation, brand and digital presence beyond what you’ll get with freelancers or a fractional marketing head. We take these insights and judiciously apply them to your needs, because not every solution making waves right now is the right one for you.

Consistent, high-quality content production

Professionally staffed agencies have standards, it’s how we stay in business and keep clients satisfied with solid work that yields not just lead generation, but measurable results. This is not to say freelancers don’t have them; just that a reputable content marketing agency provides you confidence you’re getting vetted writers who can get the job done and done well.

Cost-effectiveness and scalability

Add up the total costs of AI tools and contracted writers and you’ll find that partnering with a B2B content house is often a stronger move that provides value well beyond meeting the terms of a scope of work. 

Kuno Creative and Integrated B2B Marketing 

We’re committed to the inbound marketing approach: the customer or client matters most, and everything we publish should deliver value to them, regardless of where they are on the buyer journey. From our RevOps team to content marketing services to sales enablement, we’re driven by the idea that the people who need what you have to offer come first.

With that in mind, most content marketing engagements involve a lead strategist, an SEO expert and a brand journalist. We’ll work with you to understand your business, develop a digital marketing strategy that leverages the right channels and platforms to best amplify your brand and value propositions and conduct research that figures out how we can get your content seen by those looking for your services on search engines. 

We develop, iterate, execute and analyze, making adjustments and informing your brand and positioning as needed to make sure brand, messaging and channels are best aligned for success.

Introduction to the Integrated Marketing Team at Kuno Creative

Beyond the core, our B2B marketing agency is more than just content. Services include design and branding, demand generation and paid media consultants, RevOps, WebOps and HubSpot-accredited digital marketing implementation teams. 

Teams (2)

You might start with the need for content: email marketing, social media or zero-click content, case studies, or new webpage collateral, only to realize your digital marketing platform isn’t what it could or should be. Or you might want to bring in our paid media specialists for a strategic go-to-market campaign. Or you need a new website that keeps up with the speed of progress. By choosing an integrated marketing team, we can value-add components to the engagement that leverages the full power of partnering with Kuno. 

Collaborating With Kuno Creative: The Client Experience

We take partnership seriously. And when we say we are an extension of your own marketing team, that's exactly what we strive for.

Our investment in your success starts before contracts are even drafted. In those initial conversations, we're getting a sense for what we can deliver to a prospective client, we're looking at immediate needs and the needs that are brought to the table. But our broad-based experience and expertise also affords us the ability to look ahead and see our client-partners' future needs, sometimes before they even recognize them.

The engagement is more than just deliverables and reporting; our entire team is committed to delivering exceptional value with every project in scope. That means content creation that comes with marketing strategy, paid media that informs new campaign ideas, HubSpot implementation that opens new horizons for marketing tactics and sales enablement.

Anyone can turn around x blog posts, y webpages or meet z times a year: it takes expertise and a commitment to client success to see every deliverable as an opportunity to further develop strategy and innovate for whatever comes next.

It's the expertise you would expect from your own team -- That's the promise we deliver on for our clients every day.

Discover the Kuno Difference for Yourself

For 25 years, the team here at Kuno Creative has been leading the charge developing inbound marketing strategies for B2B clients. Our brand journalists, SEO professionals and marketing strategists work together daily to deliver first-rate content that can be seen and generate demand.

Take a look at some of our B2B content marketing case studies, the experience we bring in tech, SaaS, healthcare, manufacturing, finance and beyond, and contact us for a consultation to see how we can partner with you toward your next success.

get started with content marketing

The Author

Brent Sirvio

Brent brings a marketing strategist's perspective and an incisive eye for language to ensure all content deliverables for Kuno's clients are compelling and accurate, adhering to brand guidelines and best practices. Prior to joining Kuno, he held several roles in digital marketing, from web development and support, to account management to HubSpot onboarding and implementation, to content strategy and copyediting. A member of ACES, Brent holds a BA from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and a MA from Bethel University (St. Paul, MN). Sisu.