How to Market to Today's Engineers on Their Terms

How to Market to Today's Engineers on Their Terms

By Karen TaylorJun 4 /2019

If you market to engineers, you know the challenges of reaching them with messages that resonate. A 2019 study conducted by uncovered fresh insights for marketers. The good news includes inspiring stats: the average engineer consumed 24 percent more content in 2018 (10.3 hours) than they did in 2017 (8.3 hours).

Three other insights that can help marketers reach engineers with more impactful marketing programs include:

  • Engineering purchasing decision makers are the largest consumers of information, averaging more than 12 hours per week
  • Vendor websites outpace social media and print as preferred sources of information among engineering professionals age 36-65
  • 36% of engineering professionals say they’d request a proposal from a vendor based on thought leadership content

So how can marketers leverage these insights to build better marketing programs that target engineers? Here are tips to make the most of each of these insights — including producing content that resonates, creating decision-maker buyer personas, creating websites that attract engineers and creating high-impact thought leadership.

How to Produce Content that Resonates with Engineers

Although they are consuming more content now than ever before, that doesn’t mean engineers are going to read just anything. They have specific criteria for content consumption, such as specificity, details and honesty. These four tips will help you produce the kinds of content that resonate with engineers.

Be specific.

Take a no-fluff approach to content creation. Talk to specific industries and use concrete examples. Generic references, such as speeding up time-to-market or increasing profitability aren’t going to cut it. Being specific makes your content highly relevant to engineers. Also, stick to shorter, more direct phrases without too many adjectives or qualitative statements.

Lead with the problem and solution, not features.

Engineers are hard-wired problem solvers who prefer to get to the point without much distraction. Avoid highlighting features too early in the engineer’s buying journey. Save descriptions of your solutions’ features until after they have engaged in the problem-solution-benefit content. Early in the process, describe exactly the problem they need to solve and how your product helps to achieve that end goal.

Give them details.

After you’ve captured their attention with the problem, solution and benefits, it’s time to talk feeds and speeds. Don’t be afraid to go deep, such as file compatibility, browser compatibility, security maintenance and lag-time response, for example. In general, engineers prefer to draw conclusions on their own, so your content should be written in a way that helps guide readers with helpful facts, figures and insights.

Be honest.

With this audience, being honest about imperfections can create an environment of trust. However, if you share a weakness, also present a viable solution. Similarly, if you make a claim, be prepared to back it up. Finding this balance can make your content more powerful with engineers.

How to Create Buyer Personas and Editorial Calendars for Engineering Decision Makers

According to the survey, purchasing decision makers are the largest consumers of information, averaging over 12 hours per week. Creating detailed, in-depth buyer personas that help marketers zero in on their primary business concerns will help you focus on the right pressure points. For example, consider these concerns: “Fifty-five percent of engineers say the pace of engineering is increasing; 53 percent are required to do more with less; 40 percent say that pressure to meet deadlines is putting product quality/rework at risk.”

Consider these four points when moving beyond your buyer personas to create a relevant editorial calendar:

Budget constraints.

Every engineering purchasing manager has budget constraints, including cost overruns and penalties on unfinished projects. Focus your content on the ROI of your service or solution, using visual aids like comparison charts, infographics and other easy-to-digest content that will help them present the points to their bosses.

Time constraints.

Product-to-market lead times are top-of-mind issues for this audience. Delivering what you promise on time, every time is vital to winning the confidence and trust of these personas.

Quality and after-sales service support.

No engineer wants to bring on a vendor with poor after-sales service and support. Appealing to this concern comes down to defining the history of your enterprise, its successes, its ability to meet and exceed customer needs and expectations, and the strength of your after-sales service.

Engineering competencies and experience.

These buyers need to trust their vendors know what they’re doing. You must be able to back up your product or service offering with some engineering competencies of your own. Spend less time discussing your B2B solution’s benefits, and more time building a business case.

How to Create Websites that Attract Engineers

Another key finding from the “How Engineers Find Information 2019” report is that vendor websites outpace social media and print as preferred sources of information among engineering professionals ages 36 to 65.

Other research supports this finding: “Half of technical professionals spend six or more hours per week on the internet for work-related purposes, and 31 percent spend nine-plus hours (a full day) online.” Clearly, having an engineer-focused website will be a big plus for marketing to this audience.

Consider these three points when creating or updating your website to appeal to engineers:

1. Provide a logical information flow.

More than most target audiences, engineers are typically in a self-serve and self-select mode. As such, your website needs to guide them in a logical and structured way to find the right information that will help them make informed buying decisions. Give them the right information at the right time and in the right format.

2. Include effective sales enablers.

Don’t undervalue your website by generating only Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) from free content downloads. Incorporate effective sales enablers into your website redesign to generate more Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) from engineers, as well. Choose the tactic that will resonate with your buyer personas, such as sign-ups for webinars or entering information to receive a thought leadership whitepaper.

3. Deliver responsive web design.

While it’s true that most engineers access online content using their computers, mobile access is becoming increasingly popular, especially with younger engineers. Make sure your site follows best practices for responsive web design.

How to Create High-Impact Thought Leadership

Thirty-six percent of engineering professionals say they’d request a proposal from a vendor based on thought leadership content, the survey found. If you can leverage your industry thought leaders, you can create a more powerful marketing program to reach engineers.

The 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study confirms’s findings on thought leadership. The study asked business decision makers and C-suite executives about whether they’ve ever requested an RFP from a vendor based on their thought leadership. The results found that 83 percent of buyers say thought leadership builds trust. Buyers are more than twice as likely to have requested an RFP based on thought leadership, and that figure is even higher for C-suite executives.

According to LinkedIn, “thought leadership is valuable because it removes risk from the buying process. It gives buyers confidence that you know what you’re doing.”

Consider these three insights from the LinkedIn study when creating thought leadership content for engineers:

  • Vision and substance matter.  The majority of decision makers said they gain valuable insights from thought leadership half of the time versus other forms of marketing. However, they are disappointed by the lack of high-quality thought leadership. If you do better than the average marketer, you’ll gain a competitive advantage.
  • Consumption  is on the rise. Each year, decision makers are spending more time reading thought leadership; in fact, most do so for at least an hour per week.   
  • Senior decision makers are willing to pay a premium. B2B buyers are likely to pay more to work with companies that have clearly articulated their vision through thought leadership.   

The takeaway for marketers is this: Too often B2B marketers targeting engineers miss the mark on reaching this audience. But they are not impossible to reach; you just need to reach them on their terms. Rather than underestimate the impact of the right content, buyer personas, website and thought leadership, create marketing programs that help you forge direct links between and your company and today’s engineers.

5 Secrets Revealed

Karen Taylor
The Author

Karen Taylor

Karen Taylor is a professional content marketing writer with experience writing for over 100 companies and publications. Her experience includes the full range of content marketing projects — from blogs, to white papers, to ebooks. She has a particular knack for creating content that clarifies and strengthens a company’s marketing message, and delivers optimum impact and maximum results. Learn more at