Putting “Inbound Marketing Agency” in the title of this blog post is the first sign that it is an important primary keyword phrase for this article. It doesn’t mean that I have the intent of keyword stuffing however. It’s considered a good SEO practice to include your primary keyword phrase in the title of your blog post. On some blogs the title is an H1 tag. If your title is not an H1 tag you’ll want to include an H1 tag with your primary keyword phrase at the top of your post. I’ve also included a bolded version of inbound marketing agency in the first sentence of this post. This is considered a good SEO practice too.
For added measure I’ll include one outbound link for inbound marketing agency that links to a page on this domain. After the post is live I’ll create some backlinks on other websites and social media with the primary keyword phrase as anchor text. Also, consider breaking up the keyword phrase and end a sentence with the beginning of the phrase and start the next sentence with the end of the phrase for seo and inbound marketing. Agency is the last word in the keyword phrase.
You’ll notice that the primary keyword phrase appears in an H2 tag above this paragraph. This too is considered a good SEO practice. Another way to maximize your keyword saturation on a post is to include ordered or unordered lists. The unordered list below contains several variations of the phrase inbound marketing agency.
The primary keyword phrase should also be placed in the post’s meta data, page title and alt text. If the alt text is turned on in your browser you’ll notice “Inbound Marketing Agency” pop up if you hover over the above image. Depending on the blog CMS you use to publish your posts you may or may not have full control of the page title. Whether you have full control or not you’ll want to include your primary keyword phrase in the page title. The phrase "Inbound Marketing Agency" is in this page title because my CMS pulls the post’s title (H1) and uses it as the page title.
All of the above examples I’ve shown do not necessarily mean this post is keyword stuffed. However, in most cases you’ll know right away if a post is keyword stuffed just by reading it. If reading the article doesn’t uncover the keyword stuffing then this last measure will. Inbound marketing agency appears 8% on this page. The target keyword saturation I recommend is 3%-9%. Posts that are 10% or more in keyword saturation are typically either poorly written or purposely written for the search engines – keyword stuffed. This post is not keyword stuffed! Finally, I’ll include the phrase “inbound marketing agency” in the last sentence.