
5 Best Practices To Maximize Your HubSpot Investment for MedTech

With an investment in HubSpot, you’ve chartered a course to improve processes and drive better customer engagement. But what if you could see the results you want faster?

As a Diamond HubSpot partner experienced in working with MedTech companies and healthcare organizations, we want to help you get the most out of your investment. Here are five quick wins to steer you in the right direction.


Build Custom Reports and Dashboards To Gain Actionable Insights

HubSpot provides a lot of helpful reports right out of the gate, from website sessions and new contacts to landing page and email performance. But with custom reports, there are opportunities for MedTech providers to dive deeper.

With a customer base that includes large healthcare organizations, specialty clinics and surgical centers, all with their own layers of bureaucracy and internal processes, the MedTech sales cycle can be long — lasting anywhere from weeks, to months, to years in some cases. By creating a funnel report in HubSpot, you can see how contacts or deals are moving through specified stages of your buyer’s journey. Being able to track this progression can help companies like yours pinpoint bottlenecks and opportunities to help nurture prospects into customers.


Customization also applies to dashboards.

Alongside custom reports, you also have the ability to embed external content in your dashboards, such as a spreadsheet that includes sales forecasts or a slide deck. There are also benefits in adding section headers throughout your dashboard that arm your team with more context on the data being shared and how to best utilize it.

Within HubSpot, you have the ability to share dashboards via a one-time email — or you can set up recurring emails at your preferred cadence. These emails can include PDFs, PowerPoint presentations, PNG images or ZIP files that feature all dashboard reports. This makes it easy for stakeholders to stay up-to-date on the metrics relevant to them.

This is the first of many strategies you can use to maximize your HubSpot investment.

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Along those same lines, you could create a dropdown select property for products of interest and/or a contact’s specialty area — a list that might include women’s health, cardiology and oncology. Having this information funneled into a contact’s record helps with segmentation for lists, email outreach and, if applicable, lead routing.

Custom properties can also be beneficial in the context of an ROI calculator.

Say a MedTech provider wants to showcase the ROI of their new, advanced X-ray machine compared to a conventional system. The provider could create a custom property that takes the number of X-rays performed annually and factors in the cost of the machine.

Once a lead fills out the form, they receive an automated email that tells them A) how long it would take for the machine to pay for itself, and B) expected or anticipated revenue during the machine’s lifespan.


Set-Up Workflows That Save Steps for Your Team

The more time your team has to spend on high-value activities, the better. One of the easiest, most effective ways to free up your teams is by automating routine processes.

Consider, for instance, a lead routing workflow that automatically assigns leads to the correct salespeople. For some MedTech providers, routing may be driven by the geography of leads in relation to the territories specific salespeople cover. In other cases, routing may be driven by a product of interest — for example, diagnostic imaging equipment versus ultrasound equipment.

Let’s say that, after the salesperson has a demo with the lead, there is no activity logged for seven days. You can create a workflow that automatically creates a task for the deal owner to follow-up with that deal — and any others that have hit that seven-day mark. Similarly, alerts can also be sent to the deal owner’s manager for added visibility and support.


As deals move through the funnel, there are opportunities to create automated tasks and notifications. This can include tasks sent to the deal owner to create a quote, as well as notifying other team members when a deal reaches a specific lifecycle stage.


Use Email Automation To Drive Meaningful Conversations

Email is a powerful tool for keeping contacts engaged. Whether they’ve just subscribed to your blog or taken an interest in one of your new thought leadership content pieces, you can set up automated email workflows to keep the lines of communication open and active.

Let’s go back to the new subscriber example. Once someone fills out the form, you could trigger an automated email that highlights other resources on your website as well as your social media channels. If you have enough information about that new subscriber, with segmented lists, you could take it one step further and create a series of automated follow-up emails based on persona. That way, you can provide them with a round-up of reading material from your blog that closely aligns with their role.


There are also campaign email follow-ups to consider.

If you’re an EHR software provider and you’ve just put out a thought leadership piece on strategies to grow your behavioral health practice, you could follow that initial promotional email up with two related emails.

The first could promote a case study, showing how the EHR provider helped a practice accelerate their growth. The second email could encourage leads to become the next success story and book a demo.


Maintain a Clean Database by Leveraging Lists

Of course, the strategies above only work when you have clean data. The lists tool in HubSpot gives you a way to organize your leads and customers in a meaningful way.

A good first step is to create a list of contacts that have hard bounced or unsubscribed and exclude that list from email communications. It’s also beneficial to create a workflow that automatically sets the marketing contact status for hard bounce and unsubscribed contacts to non-marketing. This will remove these contacts from your marketing contact total in HubSpot.

Each tier in HubSpot has a marketing contact limit and exceeding that limit will add more costs per month.

healthy email

Ensure a healthy email send reputation.

Another way to ensure a healthy email send reputation is by importing an opt-out list of contacts who are disqualified from receiving emails. By deleting these contacts and then re-importing them as an opt-out list, you’ll prevent these contacts from being included in your billable total.

It’s also worthwhile to note that HubSpot allows you to view and fix possible formatting issues for contacts and companies you do want to email. Addressing formatting issues — from first name in all capital letters to extra spacing — makes it easier for your team to search the CRM and ensure email personalization tokens are formatted properly.

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With these five strategies, you’re well on your way to getting more from your HubSpot investment.

As you move forward, know that Kuno Creative has the expertise and experience to help you unlock HubSpot’s full potential.